

Passionate About Your Financial Growth.

Accounting Officer

“Every problem is a gift—without problems we would not grow.”
Anthony Robbins

What type of business must appoint an accounting officer?

  • Accounting Officer for a close corporation
  • Accounting Officer for a body corporate
  • Accountant / Accounting Officer for a trust
  • Accounting Officer for a school
  • Accounting Officer for an insurance intermediary
  • Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (if registered with FSB)
  • Qualifications and experience of compliance officers
  • Accounting Officer for Non-profit Organizations
  • Accounting Officer for Credit Providers
  • Professional Accountant (SA) for Co-operatives
  • Professional Accountant (SA) for Fund-raising organisations
  • Professional Accountant (SA) for Regional Industrial Development Program
  • Professional Accountant (SA)/ Independent Accounting Professional for Private Companies.

Important business functions Accounting officers perform

  • Financial Reporting (IFRS and IFRS for SME) that is consistent and transparent and enables the user to make informed decisions.

Financial Reporting (IFRS and IFRS for SME) includes:
– Statement of Financial position
– Statement of Comprehensive Income
– Statement of Changes in Equity
– Statement of Cash flow

  • Analysis of Financial Information to further business efficiency by:

– Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an entity
– Evaluating internal controls and processes
– Identifying trends
– Implementing Accounting Software or management Systems

  • Draughting of Annual Budgets and Cashflow Forecasts to assist entities in reaching their full potential
  • Business Valuations to determine the economic value of an entity, covering all aspects of value with supporting documentation.
  • Management Accounts can be prepared either monthly or quarterly and provides the user with a clear insight into the financial trading position of an entity.

Management Accounts will enable the user to:

– Make informed decisions based on actual, recent information
– Constantly and effectively measure the performance of an entity
– Gain more control over cash flow
– Detect fraudulent activities
– Minimise annual accounting fees

Adriana Taljaard is a recognised member of the professional body SAIPA allocating a designation of Professional Accountant (SA).
Membership conditions require relevant knowledge in accounting, tax and business management and enforces a strict code of conduct.

Name Reservation

Any company may be registered with or without a company name. Reserving a name required at least three (3) proposed names in order of preference to allow CIPC to authorise one of the three (3) proposed names.

If a reserved name is not included in the initial application, the company will be registered with its enterprise number. A name may then be added at a later stage through a name amendment, however this will open a new engagement and cost extra. A name amendment requires an approved name reservation and a special resolution to effect a change to the Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI), and this will also open up additional engagements increasing the cost of the initial registration, therefore not suggested for the initial registration of your company.